Being able to study ancient Chinese arts such as Tai Chi while being able to make and save good money working part time as English teachers is an experience all of us here in Taiwan can attest too... an experienece that some of us haven't been able to leave... as some of us continue our multi-year stays. Wouldn't it be nice to extend the knowledge of this opportunity to more like-minded Tai Chi enthusiasts around the world... (considering many of the folks that are rolling off the boat daily to BANK on the English teaching scene here in Taiwan don't have an ounce of interest in Chinese Culture and contribute little to Taiwan... besides returning their teaching wages back to Taiwan's liquor industry)? Yes, this is another kick in the pants (Tai Chi Style) to share your knowledge... like others did for YOU... to lead you to your teachers and awesome Taiwan Tai Chi experiences.
Most Masters LOVE the "face" foreign students provide. Let's give back to those who have given so much to us. If you want me to send you an Invitation to become a Contributing Member to this blog, please contact us Through Precious James' Facebook page listed top right. Please forward this message to any friends that study Tai Chi in Taiwan.